8 day ride

Landmannalaugar-Fjallabak highland 8 days tour

Dates 2025:

20th of July to the 28th of July (pick up at 18 o‘clock at BSI bus station in Reykjavík on the 20th of July and drop of at BSI bus station on the 28th of July around 18-19 o‘clock) 

6th of August to the 14th of August (pick up at 18 o‘clock at BSI bus station in Reykjavík on the 6th of August and drop of at BSI bus station on the 14th of August around 18-19 o‘clock)

Price: 4.150 euros

Requirements to join the ride:
Experienced rider, comfortable riding in all terrains at all gates.
Able to ride fast gallop through different terrain.
Able to mount the horse with out a step or help from other.
Comfortable riding in a group with 15 other riders.
Comfortable sleeping in a mountain hut with limited space, dormitory style in a sleeping bag with 15 others.
90 kg weight limit.
– We recommend that you arrive to Iceland the day before we pick you up at BSÍ bus station in Reykjavík, just to be sure you’ll make it for the pick up even if there is a delay of your flight. 

Included in the price:

– Pick up in Reykjavik.

– Local guide.

– All meals (Breakfast, lunch and dinner).

– Sleeping bag accommodation for 8 nights in mountain huts.

-8 days riding excursion with loose running horses

– All horse tack, helmets and rain gear.

– Evening hike if there is interest.

1st day: Pick up at BSI bus station in Reykjavik at 18 o’clock and driving to the farm. Dinner and discussion about upcoming adventures.

2nd day:  Around midday, course is set through meadows and lava fields, alongside Ranga river, passing the historical lava sheep-fold Landrettir and the last farms before the highlands. 5-6 hours riding. Drive back to the farm where we have another night.

3rd day: Morning departure from Rjúpnavellir to the wilds, crossing a desert of ash and the lava field of Solvahraun, close to the famous volcano Hekla (last eruption in the year 2000). 5-6 hours ride before reaching the green and peaceful area of Landmannahellir, where farmers stay while gathering their sheep in the mountains. Overnight in a lodge at Landmannahellir.

4th day: In the morning a 3-4 hours ride through the valley Domadal passing Frostastadarvatn lake on the way to the popular area Landmannalaugar, a grandiose setting of old craters and colorful mountains. Afternoon at leisure exploring the fabulous neighbourhood or bathing in a natural hot water pool. Drive back to Landmannahellir for overnight.

5th day: Drive back to the horses at Landmannalaugar in the early morning. Taking the old Fjallabak trail through the highland, up and down hills, crossing streams until reaching Eldgja, the largest eruptive crater on the earth. 7 hours ride. Overnight in the lodge of Holaskjol.

6th day: Leaving Holaskjol for the Skafta river and Ofaera, passing the “Swan Lake” Alftavatn. On over Maelifellssandur; a black sand of volcanic ash near the glacier Myrdalsjokull. A 7-8 hours ride. Overnight at Hvanngil.

7th day: A 4-5 hours ride through variable soft and rough landscapes to the funny astounding mountain Einhyrning surrounded by three glaciers. Overnight in shepherds lodge at Bolstad

8th day: Following the path down to the historical Fljotshlid area along the big Markarfljot river, with the glaciers Eyjafjallajokull and Myrdalsjokull still in the background. A 6 hours ride. Overnight in the guesthouse at the Smaratun farm.

9th day: From Smaratun over to the Vatnsdal valley before crossing the Ranga river to get to Austvadsholt land. The horses are released in their home meadows. A 6-7 hour ride. Transfer to the BSI bus station in Reykjavik, arriving time there around 19 o’clock.